One-Time Encore
Encore - Day 1:
The true cause of the obesity epidemic
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Dr. Hans Diehl
Behind closed doors of the food industry and 5 key choices you can make today
Watch NowDr. Hans Diehl
Behind closed doors of the food industry and 5 key choices you can make today
Watch NowEncore - Day 2:
The science of permanent weight loss
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Dr. Barbara Rolls
The science of feeling full and satisfied without overeating on calories
Watch NowDr. Barbara Rolls
The science of feeling full and satisfied without overeating on calories
Watch NowEncore - Day 3:
What sabotages our efforts
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Dr. Frank Sabatino
How hormones program your body to either store or release fat (and how to flip the switch)
Watch NowDr. Frank Sabatino
How hormones program your body to either store or release fat (and how to flip the switch)
Watch NowDr. John McDougall
The vilified food group that holds the key to satiety on fewer calories
Watch NowDr. John McDougall
The vilified food group that holds the key to satiety on fewer calories
Watch NowEncore - Day 4:
Protecting your health – when body fat triggers diseases
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Dr. Michael Klaper
Two sides of the same coin: Why you can't separate your weight from your health
Watch NowDr. Michael Klaper
Two sides of the same coin: Why you can't separate your weight from your health
Watch NowEncore - Day 5:
Break old habits & reprogram your brain for health
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Encore - Day 6:
Winning the mental game of weight loss
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Dr. Doug Lisle
How to make your health goals a reality (and the two dietary deficiencies that prevent weight loss)
Watch NowDr. Doug Lisle
How to make your health goals a reality (and the two dietary deficiencies that prevent weight loss)
Watch NowDean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD
The hidden link between being overweight and cognitive decline
Watch NowDean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD
The hidden link between being overweight and cognitive decline
Watch NowEncore - Day 7:
How to crush cravings and food addiction
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Encore - Day 8:
Exactly what to do and what not to do to lose weight
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)
Brenda Davis, RD
Reviewing the effectiveness and health consequences of keto & paleo diets
Watch NowBrenda Davis, RD
Reviewing the effectiveness and health consequences of keto & paleo diets
Watch NowEncore - Day 9:
Key takeaways & practical tips on getting started
(Scroll up and down for the other days. Key takeaways are not part of the encore. Buy the summit for full on-demand access)