Better Life Summits

How to Use Nutritional G-BOMBS, Mindset, and Compassion to Transform From Within

Better Life Summits

With Richard Hubbard

Richard Hubbard

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Richard Hubbard

From Obese To Plant Based Coach I was living on the standard American diet, hardly ever touching a vegetable. The horrible diet definitely took a toll on my health. I found out I was pre-hypertensive and pre-diabetic at a physical, that being the first time I saw a doctor since before college. I was also morbidly obese, having tipped the scales at over 350 pounds. I did not want to go on meds to lower my blood pressure. People, like my parents, relied heavily on meds without any hope of getting off of the prescriptions. Certainly, I did not want to go down that path. I made a deal with my doctor, if my blood pressure can come down on it’s own in 6 months, I can skip the meds. I started to do my research online about healthy diets and began eliminating foods like red meat and aspartame. I happened to catch an episode of Dr. Oz with Dr. Joel Fuhrman as a guest. It changed my life. Dr. Fuhrman spoke of reversing heart disease, etc. through plant based foods. I became a healthy eater ever since then and purchased several of Dr. Fuhrman’s books.

Better Life Summits

Inspired to live your best life?

  • On demand access to all 36 interviews
  • Audio downloads & full transcripts
  • Collection of powerful bonuses
  • Live stream recordings with Chef AJ's takeaways
  • Get a buddy pass (limited 2-for-1 deal)
  • Support our mission of a better life for all
Helps, custom modules and shortcodes
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Return site name to retrieve summit name
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Shows current day of summit
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Returns the dollars saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the percentage saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the price depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the number of speakers on the summit by counting how many posts have been published.
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Returns list of icons linking to the speaker socials.
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Returns button "Open bio" which opens bio in popup.
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Returns content of speaker bonus block.
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Returns the day of the event that the current page belongs to.