Better Life Summits

The H=N/C Formula: Why You Won't Lose Weight Until You Solve This Equation

Better Life Summits

With Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

President of the Nutritional Research Foundation, 7x New York Times best-selling author, expert on nutrition and natural healing

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. Dr Fuhrman is the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation and on the faculty of Northern Arizona University, Health Sciences division. He coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe a nutrient-dense eating style, designed to prevent cancer, slow aging, and extend lifespan. At he advises people from all over the world, enabling recoveries from a wide range of ailments that are often considered permanent or incurable.

Dr. Fuhrman also operates the Eat To Live Retreat in Southern California. At this residential facility, people from all over the world come to stay for 1-3 months to recover from conditions ranging from cardiovascular disease to autoimmune disease, food addiction and more. They also gain the skills and knowledge to make these changes permanent when they leave the retreat.

Better Life Summits

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  • Collection of powerful bonuses
  • Live stream recordings with Chef AJ's takeaways
  • Get a buddy pass (limited 2-for-1 deal)
  • Support our mission of a better life for all

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Helps, custom modules and shortcodes
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Return site name to retrieve summit name
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Shows current day of summit
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Returns the dollars saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the percentage saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the price depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the number of speakers on the summit by counting how many posts have been published.
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
Shortcode copied
Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
Shortcode copied
Returns list of icons linking to the speaker socials.
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Returns button "Open bio" which opens bio in popup.
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Returns content of speaker bonus block.
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Returns the day of the event that the current page belongs to.