Better Life Summits

Neurotransmitters: How Brain Chemistry Influences Our Eating Patterns

Better Life Summits

With Dr. Eric Walsh

Dr. Eric Walsh

Medical Director for Urgent Care services

Dr. Eric Walsh

Dr Walsh is a physician who enjoys sharing the good news of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. He is a committed advocate for a whole food plant based diet. . He is a graduate of the university of Miami school of medicine, Loma Linda university school of public health where he received his masters and doctorate in public health. His most important educational experience was his time at Oakwood University. He has served 2 US presidents (George W Bush and Barak Obama) as an advisor on HIV/AIDS. Dr Walsh has served at several churches as an associate Pastor. He is now a practicing physician and health care administrator. He travels the globe speaking on many subjects. He is a strong support and fan of Chef AJ and the great work that she is doing and is always happy to partner to get out a word of hope as it pertains to health.

Better Life Summits

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Helps, custom modules and shortcodes
Shortcode copied
Return site name to retrieve summit name
Shortcode copied
Shows current day of summit
Shortcode copied
Returns the dollars saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the percentage saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Use on welcome and early bird pages.
Shortcode copied
Returns the price depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
Shortcode copied
Returns the number of speakers on the summit by counting how many posts have been published.
Shortcode copied
Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
Shortcode copied
Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
Shortcode copied
Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
Shortcode copied
Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
Shortcode copied
Returns list of icons linking to the speaker socials.
Shortcode copied
Returns button "Open bio" which opens bio in popup.
Shortcode copied
Returns content of speaker bonus block.
Shortcode copied
Returns the day of the event that the current page belongs to.