Better Life Summits

The Wake Up Call: How Chuck Went From 10,000 Calories A Day & 420 Pounds To A New Life

Better Life Summits

With Chuck Carroll

Chuck Carroll

Food for Life Instructor, Host of PCRM's “The Exam Room” podcast

Chuck Carroll

Chuck Carroll — “The Weight Loss Champion”
Chuck Carroll lost an incredible 280 pounds to become “The Weight Loss Champion.”
At one time, his 5-foot-5 frame once struggled to support the 420 pounds it was carrying
around every day. With a 66-inch waist and 6XL shirt, Chuck’s daily diet was a 10,000-calorie
fast food feast. Every bite was carrying him closer to an early grave and he knew that if he did
not make drastic changes to break a severe food addiction he would be dead before his 30th
Today he speaks passionately about breaking the fatal food cycle and helping others as host of
The Exam Room podcast for PCRM. The show has been viewed and downloaded more than 100
million times combined on YouTube, Spotify, and other podcast platforms. It has also become
the #1 ranked nutrition podcast in nearly 80 countries.
Chuck was given the nickname of “The Weight Loss Champion” by a former NFL player after
word of his transformation spread throughout the Washington Commanders locker room.
Chuck has kept the weight off for 15 years and attributes his sustained success to eating a
healthy plant-based diet.
Outside of his work on The Exam Room podcast, Chuck is a well-traveled motivational speaker,
inspiring others around the world to take control of their health. He is living proof that nothing
is impossible, and the benefits of healthy eating know no bounds.
Chuck believes knowledge is power and having the power to make healthier decisions,
including eating a plant-based diet, is critical for living a long and rewarding life without the
burden of chronic disease.

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Returns the percentage saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the price depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the number of speakers on the summit by counting how many posts have been published.
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Returns list of icons linking to the speaker socials.
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Returns button "Open bio" which opens bio in popup.
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Returns content of speaker bonus block.
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Returns the day of the event that the current page belongs to.