Better Life Summits

When "Moderation" Backfires and the Keys for an Active, Youthful Lifestyle

Better Life Summits

With Anthony Masiello

Anthony Masiello

Co-Founder of Love.Life Telehealth, Healthcare Tech Executive Turned Lifestyle Medicine Advocate, Lost 160 Pounds Through Plant-Based Nutrition Featured on PBS and Megyn Kelly Today

Anthony Masiello

Anthony has been working in healthcare for more than 25 years. His career started in the 90s doing bioinformatics work on the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health. He later shifted into Research and Development at Novartis Pharmaceuticals, where he was excited to contribute to the development of new disease therapies.

While working at Novartis, Anthony had a major health scare and was denied 20-year term life insurance policy at the young age of 33. He was morbidly obese, weighing more than 360 pounds, medicated for high blood pressure, and suffering from psoriasis, eczema, migraine headaches, and sleep apnea. He found and quickly transitioned to a whole food plant-based diet and lost 160 pounds and reversed all those health conditions in just 20 months!

His personal transformation led Anthony to shift his career once again, and he is now 100% focused on making sure everyone has access to medical care centered on the prevention and reversal of disease utilizing lifestyle medicine and whole food plant-based nutrition.

He co-founded what is now Love.Life Telehealth in 2019 to make lifestyle medicine available to everyone. He’s proud to enable patients across the country to find the medical care they need to implement lifestyle changes that will truly improve their health, wellness, and quality of life, no matter where they live.

Anthony’s personal transformation has been featured on the Megyn Kelly Today show, on PBS, in The Huffington Post, in the bestselling book Eat to Live, and by Forks Over Knives, Runners World, and numerous magazines, web sites, radio shows, podcasts, and articles.

Better Life Summits

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  • Live stream recordings with Chef AJ's takeaways
  • Get a buddy pass (limited 2-for-1 deal)
  • Support our mission of a better life for all

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Return site name to retrieve summit name
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Returns the percentage saved depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the price depending on when the visitor opens page. Use on welcome and early bird pages.
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Returns the number of speakers on the summit by counting how many posts have been published.
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Enter the day so that the shortcode looks like this [#daily_theme event_day=1#].
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Returns list of icons linking to the speaker socials.
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Returns button "Open bio" which opens bio in popup.
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Returns content of speaker bonus block.
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Returns the day of the event that the current page belongs to.